
Lade die neueste Firmware für die PureControl

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Firmware-VersionDatumDownload linkLibrariesBenötigte Android App Version
0.90b11.02.2018Download (*.zip)Download (*.zip)v0.462 (14.03.2018)
Firmware-VersionDatumDownload linkLibrariesBenötigte Android App Version
0.10018.04.2020Download (*.zip)Download (*.zip)v0.614 (18.04.2020)
0.9917.04.2020Download (*.zip)Download (*.zip)v0.613 (17.04.2020)
0.9701.03.2020Download (*.zip)Download (*.zip)v0.607 (01.03.2020)
0.9511.09.2019Download (*.zip)Download (*.zip)v0.604 (11.09.2019)
0.90c12.01.2019Download (*.zip)Download (*.zip)v0.462 (14.03.2018)
Firmware-VersionDatumDownload linkLibrariesBenötigte Android App Version
0.90b11.02.2018Coming soonComing soonv0.462 (14.03.2018)

FAQ: Firmware

All firmware updates are done over the standard Arduino software. This is available for Windows, Linux and iOS. But we recommend to perform the update with a Windows computer.

To connect the controller to the PC, you will need a micro-USB cable. This is the same cable as used for most Android phone.

A detailed step-by-step manual can be found above depending on the chosen controller.
Yes, the firmware is open-source and be modified to fit your needs.

But you should be careful when making changes, because each new firmware release will require you to adjust your changes again.